RedSky is an SBA certified 8(a) small business. The SBA 8(a) Business Development (BD) Program was designed to simplify the federal procurement process for certified small business participants. Federal law allows Government Agencies to award sole source contracts to the SBA on behalf of an eligible 8(a) firm of their choice. Contracts can be awarded for limits up to $6.5M for manufacturing NAICS codes and $4.5M for goods and services.
This streamlined contracting approach enables federal government customers to save time, effort, and cost in the procurement process. Following SBA approval, the 8(a) program allows for open discussions and direct negotiations. In addition, 8(a) sole-source procurements are protected from protests.
In summary, the benefits of utilizing the 8(a) contracting process include:
- Awards to RedSky cannot be protested.
- There is no requirement to compete procurements to RedSky before a direct award.
- Contracting officers can work jointly with RedSky to ensure an understanding of the contract requirements, lowering program risk and increasing overall customer satisfaction.
- Contract value counts toward agency’s SBA small business and 8(a) contracting goals.
- The procurement process is simplified and accelerated.
To learn more about how to contract with RedSky, contact us at