What is IT Governance?

Although there are many factors that contribute to a business’ success or failure, one thing that can make a significant difference is the business’ tech tools. If your computers or programs are outdated, it can be hard to keep up with companies that are using the latest hardware and software. In addition, because there are so many digital tools available now, it can be difficult to determine which are best suited to your business and goals.

What is IT Governance?

Fortunately, our team at RedSky is here to help you on both fronts—we have extensive experience in the tech industry, and we offer robust IT governance services to help you make sure your tech is working for you.

Defining IT Governance

For those who are unfamiliar with the term, IT governance is a process of making sure your tech strategy aligns and supports your business strategy. In other words, when you come to our team for this service, we will help you define your business goals and assist you in finding ways to make your technology support those goals. We will help you create a formal framework with measurable criteria to determine whether you are meeting your tech and business goals, and we will help you monitor and analyze your results over time.

Why Use Our IT Governance Services?

As a woman-owned small business, we remember how challenging it was to get our operation running smoothly, and we want to help other small business owners overcome the challenges they face. We want to use our tech experience to help you get the best results from your own technology, and we are eager to help you optimize your tech strategy to support your business goals.